Công Ty TNHH Nhựa Tep (Nộp Hộ Thuế Nhà Thầu) | - MST 1101801329 | VN More Viet Nam Companies

Công Ty TNHH Nhựa Tep (Nộp Hộ Thuế Nhà Thầu)
Status Unknown
Công Ty TNHH Nhựa Tep (Nộp Hộ Thuế Nhà Thầu)
Status Unknown
Last Updated on 2019-03-27
Enterprise/Tax Code 1101801329 Representative Name Founding Date 2015-09-29 VAT -
Company Name in EN - Company Short Name - Province/City - Region -
Legal Type - Phone Number
- (0)
Registered Address Lô C 05 đường số 3 KCN Đức Hòa 1 ấp 1 Xã Hòa Khánh Đông Huyện Đức Hoà Long An
Business Activity
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Documents and Reports
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Business Registration License Business registration certificate (company name, company address, contact information, registered capital, legal person details, shareholders and shareholder contribution ratio)
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Latest Business Registration Info Up-to-date information on the business register, list of affiliates, scope of business, capital and founding shareholders of the enterprise
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Company History Info Information on business registration and changes in the past 3 years
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Comprehensive Credit Report Business registration information for companies, complete financial data analysis (liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, etc.), public news, and analyst ratings
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Financial Statement Of Latest Fiscal Year The three main financial statements of a business for the latest fiscal year (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement)
People More
No Data Available
Business Scale
Sales Volume
Reliability Description
Number of Employees -
Reliability Description
Shareholder Structure
No Data Available
Registry Infomation
Registry Manager -
Registry Department Phone -
Registry Department Address -
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