CÔNG TY TNHH XD TM 366 | - MST 6300364344 | VN More Viet Nam Companies

Last Updated on 2023-12-20
Enterprise/Tax Code 6300364344 Representative Name TIÊU CHÍ BẮC Founding Date 2023-12-17 VAT -
Company Name in EN - Company Short Name - Province/City Hau Giang province Region Long My District
Legal Type Limited Liability Company(LLC, Single Member) Phone Number
- (0)
Registered Address Ấp 7, Xã Vĩnh Viễn A, Huyện Long Mỹ, Tỉnh Hậu Giang, Việt Nam VN More - Vietnamese Companies database Company Profile Lookup Vietnam Entity Report KYC System
Business Activity
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Documents and Reports
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Business Registration License Business registration certificate (company name, company address, contact information, registered capital, legal person details, shareholders and shareholder contribution ratio)
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Latest Business Registration Info Up-to-date information on the business register, list of affiliates, scope of business, capital and founding shareholders of the enterprise
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Company History Info Information on business registration and changes in the past 3 years
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Comprehensive Credit Report Business registration information for companies, complete financial data analysis (liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, etc.), public news, and analyst ratings
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Financial Statement Of Latest Fiscal Year The three main financial statements of a business for the latest fiscal year (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement)
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No Data Available
Business Scale
Sales Volume
Reliability Description
Number of Employees -
Reliability Description
Shareholder Structure
No Data Available
Registry Infomation
Registry Manager -
Registry Department Phone -
Registry Department Address -
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VN More - Vietnamese Companies database Company Profile Lookup Vietnam Entity Report KYC System
Ấp 7, Xã Vĩnh Viễn A, Huyện Long Mỹ, Tỉnh Hậu Giang, Việt Nam
- (0)
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